The Mount Hope Meteor (May-June 1944)
The Mount Hope Meteor (May-June 1944)
Vol. III. No. IV. Mount Hope, Ontario, May-June, 1944
Editorial Committee
Chairman: F/Lt. Threlfall
Editor: F/Lt. Williams
Ass't Editor: Cpl. Spurrier
Advisory Members: F/O Tiley
L.A.C. Hartley
Art Section: L.A.C. Tomkinson
Photography Editor: P/O Cooper
Sgt. Kilpatrick
"Y" Activities: Mr. Jay Shaver
Business Manager: Mr. Nicholson
Ass't. Business Mgr. L.A.C. Howard
Editorial Committee
Chairman: F/Lt. Threlfall
Editor: F/Lt. Williams
Ass't Editor: Cpl. Spurrier
Advisory Members: F/O Tiley
L.A.C. Hartley
Art Section: L.A.C. Tomkinson
Photography Editor: P/O Cooper
Sgt. Kilpatrick
"Y" Activities: Mr. Jay Shaver
Business Manager: Mr. Nicholson
Ass't. Business Mgr. L.A.C. Howard
THE METEOR is published by the officers and men of the Royal Air Force Station at Mount Hope, Ont. Dates of publication are Jan. 15th, Feb. 15th, March 15th, May 1st, June 15th, Aug. 15th, Oct. 1st, Nov. 15th, and Dec. 15th.
Communications should be sent to M. P. O. 211, Hamilton, Ont. All material should reach Editorial Office not later than 15 days before date of publication, otherwise it cannot be included.
Rates: 15c per copy; $1.35 per annum.
Overseas subscription, $2.75.
Entire contents of this issue copyright by R. A. F. Mt. Hope.
Articles and pictures may not be re-printed without written permission.
Communications should be sent to M. P. O. 211, Hamilton, Ont. All material should reach Editorial Office not later than 15 days before date of publication, otherwise it cannot be included.
Rates: 15c per copy; $1.35 per annum.
Overseas subscription, $2.75.
Entire contents of this issue copyright by R. A. F. Mt. Hope.
Articles and pictures may not be re-printed without written permission.